~~~ delicious, malicious, and not at all nutritious ~~~

The Printed Blog

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Friday, August 27, 2010

naughty modesty to be considered for The Printed Blog!

I came across The Printed Blog last week, and after making sure it was reasonably legit, I decided to apply to for one of their feature blogger positions. I admit, I first had a good laugh at the idea (A synopsis of blogs in a printed magazine delivered weekly? What's next, an attachment for your iPhone that prints your text messages?), and to be honest, I didn't think they'd respond! When they did answer my inquiry and asked if I'd like naughty modesty to be considered by their editors for publication, I was more than a little bit humbled; I felt like a jerk for bad-mouthing their very novel (har) idea. And after reading a few of their back issues I was impressed and a little flattered, because not only do they pick some of the most interesting and out-there blogs on the web, but they pair them with some of the most thought-provoking photos I've ever seen. Some of them were risque, wacky, or downright confusing. But they were all photos that my eyes crawled over for much longer than it took to devour the short and sweet blog posts, causing me to reconsider the depths of what photography can express with a single picture. Plus, I have to give them some serious respect for their devilishly brilliant tagline 'Like the internet. Only flammable'.

So, I have agreed to let The Printed Blog's editors comb through naughty modesty each week *fingers crossed* Let's see what they can find!

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